Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sunday on the Presumpscot.  I couldn't wait to get on the river after a long day in a hot, humid workplace.
Earlier in the spring this tree toppled into the river. The beavers were delighted.  I'd often see a clump of branches floating across or upstream, carried off to become part of the beavers lunch or dwelling.

Someone eventually sawed all the leaved branches and only the trunk remains. A perfect perch site for this handsome winged creature.

Closer and closer I glided, taking pictures all the while. Then got this shot-the pattern on its wings clearly defined. His hooked beak and alert eyes vivid.  (my brother in law informed me this is a cormorant)

A short while later I am reading from Paul Gallagher's book on Tai Chi, in which I read this poem written by Purple Gold. 

 And this lovely illustration is in it.  How appropriate!

The river traffic was heavy tonight. I saw:  1. a guy fishing in a motorized canoe  2. 2 guys in bright yellow kayaks (who said they'd put in behind the correction center in Windham) 3. a guy in a small motorized boat, fishing upstream   4. 4 young women kayaking together (I heard them before I seen them) and 2 are pictured here

After the young women left, I floated slowly back downstream, enjoying the peace. Crickets chirped. Birds sang. 
Imagine my thrill at seeing my cormorant again...this time on the tip of a leafless branch with the moon as a backdrop.

The sun soon set and a deeper peace descended upon the waterway.

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