Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cobbosseecontee Lake

Pinch me!  So I can know this life is real because it is so damn perfect some days that you have to wonder if it's a dream. Kayaking on Cobbosseecontee* Lake in Manchester ME. Birdsong. Trees. Turtles. Fish. Sunlight. Rocks. Water. Chipmunks. Bald Eagles. Ospreys. and most wonderful of all, LOONS.
I told my sister "It's so peaceful here. except when I'm talking.'  So I'll shut up and let the pics speak for themselves.  (with little captions you can think of as a whisper)

8 loons on a lake in july

loon pair

balanced perfection

cobbosseecontee lake   maine

ripe for the picking blueberries

another lakeside berry

deceased lake dragonfly. root beer colored wings etched in cloud white. delicately shadowed.

on days like these, can't argue with the motto: the way life should be (cause it already is)
If you've had the honor, pleasure and sheer awe of hearing loon calls on waterways you don't need to have it described to you. If you haven't heard them, there is no way to describe it - words fail abundantly. If you make a bucket list, add this to it in one of the top 5 spots. If you don't keep a bucket list, make a mental note to find a way to stay at a loon-occupied lake in mid-summer and know this:  you will never regret it. It will change your life.  

See. Listen. Be spellbound.

*Cobbosseecontee means "the place of many sturgeon" 
Sturgeon, per the dictionary, are large, ancient, bony-plated fish. They're edible. I don't know if they remain plentiful. I certainly saw none, and my fishermen brother-in-law and nephew didn't either, during the week they camped there. Will have to find out more about them.

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